
The Wings of Raphael is a Micro-Company, registered in the Moselle Trade and Companies Register under the number 844 612 689.

Siret : 84461268900019
TVA number intra: FR05844612689
Management number: 2018 A 379
Code NAF : Other retail businesses on stalls and markets - 4789Z

Adresse postale :
Les Ailes de Raphael
53 Rue de la gare 57490

Information technology and freedoms / Protection of personal data

The Wings of Raphael collects information about you when you create your customer account (name, first name, email address, postal address, telephone number, etc.). This information allows us to manage your customer account and monitor your purchases. This data is not transmitted to third parties but can be used, if you authorize us to do so, to send information and promotional offers from The Wings of Raphael. You can unsubscribe from these newsletters at any time, by clicking on the link indicated at the bottom of the page of each e-mail or directly in your Personal Area.

In accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 (amended by the Act of August 6, 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data), you have the right to access, rectify or oppose on the personal data collected about you. These rights can be exercised by contacting us via the contact form.

In order to respect your privacy and preserve your personal data, we do not disseminate personal data on our site with the exception of your username when you participate in the The Wings of Raphael community (forum, gallery of creations, etc.).

The information collected about you is intended for internal use. Your personal data cannot be transmitted to third party partners of The Wings of Raphael, unless you authorize us to do so by checking the "Yes!" Box. I am interested in the offers of the partners selected by The Wings of Raphael. »When you register.

Intellectual property

The Wings of Raphael is a registered trademark. We inform you that any reproduction or total or partial representation, by any means whatsoever, of this site, logos, images, texts, editorials or any other medium that may appear therein is prohibited without the express authorization of Les Ailes de Raphael. In the event of any omissions, errors, corrections, we thank you for letting us know by sending an email via the contact form.